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Cheese Is Good Food

A place for me to ramble…

Why Modern MMOs Are Killing the Fun: A Rant from a Frustrated Player

Let’s be honest: MMOs today are exhausting. What used to be an escape from reality has turned into some kind of convoluted currency juggling, meta-obsessed, spreadsheet-fueled grind fest. And I’m here to tell you, I’ve had enough. So here’s a breakdown of why modern MMOs are killing my gaming buzz, with just a sprinkle of humor to keep things light (because I don’t need another reason to stress).

The 42 Different Currencies Problem

Why, oh why, do I need 42 different types of currency? Gold used to be enough. But now, we’ve got tokens, gems, coins, shards, star fragments, cosmic credits—half of which I’ve forgotten what they’re even for. I’m just trying to buy a sword, not finance a house. Keep it simple, folks. When I need a spreadsheet to track my in-game economy, we’ve got a problem.


Remember when games were about having fun? Now it’s all about “the meta.” If I wanted to stress about statistics and performance, I’d be back in school dealing with final exams. I don’t need a doctoral thesis in character builds just to enjoy myself. Let me mess around with my character without worrying if I’m “optimal” enough to run a dungeon. Not everyone is trying to be the MMO LeBron Drames.

No, I Don’t Want to Use Spreadsheets

I came here to escape reality, not live in Excel. But with today’s MMOs, it feels like if you’re not cross-referencing stats and item drop rates in a spreadsheet, you’re doing it wrong. Guess what? If I wanted to spend my free time fiddling with data, I’d go organize my tax returns. MMOs should be about adventure and fun, not math homework.

The Grind is Real (And It’s Painful)

Two hours of grinding for a chance to upgrade my equipment? No, thank you. I’ll just go outside and watch grass grow—it’s faster and probably more rewarding. The grind used to have a purpose, like earning something meaningful. But now, it’s just an endless loop of busywork with no guarantee of success. I already have a job, I don’t need a second one in-game.

Stop Making Me Press 42 Keys to Do Anything

Why does it take a combination of keyboard acrobatics to play the game? I shouldn’t have to pull off a piano recital on my keyboard just to kill one enemy. Can we simplify the controls a bit? I’d like to still have fingers left by the time I log off.

The Cash Shop Conundrum

Cash shops—ugh. Every time I log in, I feel like I’m walking through a carnival where everything’s on sale. I don’t mind paying for a game, and I’m even cool with a subscription fee. But can we stop with the constant in-your-face microtransactions? Just sell me a good game, charge me fairly, and let me enjoy it without the pop-ups begging for more of my hard-earned cash.

Action RPG MMOs: You Can Stop Now

Look, I get it—action RPGs are fun. But can we please stop churning out the same thing over and over? Not every game needs to copy “The Witcher.” We don’t need another action RPG MMO where combat is so flashy that my character’s attack animation looks like Cirque du Soleil. Can we go back to some originality, please?

I’m Not in Asia, So Let’s Dial Back the Acrobatics

And speaking of acrobatics, why is my character, decked out in full plate armor, flipping around like an Olympic gymnast? I get that it’s supposed to look cool, but I don’t need my medieval knight pulling off mid-air pirouettes every time he swings a sword. It’s a bit much, and frankly, it makes zero sense. Keep the cool moves grounded in reality (literally).

In Conclusion: MMOs Are Overdoing It

MMOs today are just trying too hard. The charm of the genre used to be in the world, the community, and the sense of adventure. Now, it’s buried under layers of unnecessary complexity, aggressive cash shops, and over-the-top action. All I want is a game that’s simple, fun, and worth my time. So, to all the developers out there: just give me that, and I’ll be happy to hand over my money.

Until then, I’ll be here… trying to remember which currency I need to buy that new sword.

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