cheese is good food dot com

Cheese Is Good Food

A place for me to ramble…

Category: Tech

  • Scammers Are Complete Idiots 2: Scammers Who Flunked Email 101

    Scammers Are Complete Idiots 2: Scammers Who Flunked Email 101

    Scammers, in their quest to deceive and defraud, often reveal their own incompetence through basic mistakes. One glaring example is their misunderstanding of email functions, particularly the difference between CC (Carbon Copy) and BCC (Blind Carbon Copy). Recently, I received an email notification titled “Unsettled Invoice Notification” that perfectly illustrates this point. Sent from “mikey…

  • Scammers are Complete Idiots

    Scammers are Complete Idiots

    So I received the following scammer email today: And it just shows how stupid these scammers are. Lets break it down… First of all: Man I WISH my Social security number would be suspended!! Paying taxes sucks ass. I could use the break…. So after telling me I broke TEXAS law, they tell me the…

  • Fucking iPhone

    Fucking iPhone

    So I’m an Android guy. Anyone that knows me, knows that. I jumped on the iPhone bandwagon when it first came out. I had an iPhone 1, 2, 3 and 4. After the 4 I went to Android and never looked back. Well, I am issued an iPhone at work, so I do still have…